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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 10/13/2010
Minutes of Meeting – October 13, 2010; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  
Present:  L Messana; KR Flynn; K Fowler; J McNinch; D Trancynger.

MOTION by LM, seconded by DT to accept the Minutes of September 29 and Executive Minutes of October 6 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Ralph Petillo from the Chamber presented an award to Shots Café for the Apple Squeeze best apple pie contest.

FY12 Budget:  The Board gave an update on a meeting held earlier with the Finance Committee and School Committee.  Revenues are tight, and in order to offer the same level of services, the Town needs to come up with new ways of delivering those services or new revenues.  The School Committee and the Selectmen agreed to pursue possible shared service arrangements.

The Board discussed the need to move forward with a Town Meeting vote on a local meals tax of 0.75%.  It is estimated that this new tax could raise $200,000 annually for the Town.  MOTION by KF, seconded by LM to place an article on the upcoming Annual Town Meeting to institute a local meals tax of 0.75%, effective July 1, 2011.  4/1 vote with JM opposed.

The Board gave an update on the wind project.  The wind measurements have shown a viable site on the ridge just east of the Upper Reservoir.  Additional work to determine the viability of a project is ongoing.  In addition, public forums will be held during the winter months to obtain citizen input.  If everything looks favorable, it may be possible to have a warrant article on the May Annual Town Meeting which will seek voter approval for proceeding to construction.

The TM informed the Board that sewer inspections of homes in the southwestern corner of Town will begin on 10/21-10/23, with another round scheduled for 10/28-30.

Consent Agenda items:  MOTION by DT, seconded by KF to approve a seasonal license to Philip Rennie to sell trees from 11/24-12/25 from 9-9 at 969 East Street; a one-day W&M license for 10/23 from 5-6 at The Mount; a change of manager at the Luau Hale from JoAnn Cook Woo to Jodi Ann Bloom.  5/0 vote.  

Old/New Business:  Secretary Bowles will be in Lenox on 10/19 to host a listening session regarding the Housatonic River clean-up; we need to appoint a BOS representative to the Community Preservation Committee; Halloween will be held on 10/31 with the parade beginning at 5pm and Trick-or-Treating ending at 7pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                          Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                       Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Director of Administrative Services
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone: (413) 637-5500
fax:      (413) 637-5518